Hey, this is Nate.
And we are in the waning days of our annual fundraiser here at Radiotopia, when we turn to listeners like you to support directly, with contributions, what we do here, independently owned and operated podcasts, banding together to make the art that we want to make, the way we want to make it on our terms, for our audience, the way that hopefully.
You want to hear it.
And I'll tell you something, I was looking at the calendar this year with the fundraiser coming up, and I love the fundraiser.
I believe in the fundraiser because I believe that Radiotopia is an oasis.
It is sort of a utopia of radio, if you will, in a cultural desert.
And it is not that I think what we are doing here is always better than what others are doing elsewhere.
You can decide that for yourself.
But the thing I am sure of as an artist and as a business person, is that this is the way to do it.
This is the model.
Owning your own intellectual property, calling your own shots, deciding what your show should be, and then trying to make that show and try to find an audience.
And then when you are lucky enough to have done that, not letting anyone, I don't know, investors, some whack corporation, people who care more about profit than making beautiful things and making them well, not letting anyone get in between us, me and you, me and this thing that I love to make and the.
People who like to listen to it.
But this year, there was a small.
Voice in my head, which is a rare voice of doubt right there in the back.
Not doubting the mission, because I believe in this mission in my bones, like, this is who I am.
But I looked at the calendar and I said, wait a second, I also have a book coming out right now.
It's like right at the same time.
And I'm going to have to be here promoting that book.
And will that be too much?