Hey, I'm Dorrie.
I'm Elise.
And we are still on holiday break.
We hope you are having a safe.
And happy holiday and we know there's a lot of year in reviews coming at us this time of year, but we are not going to do a full wrap up on 2024.
We are sparing you.
Instead we picked an episode from the summer that we are replaying today in case you missed it.
And it is with author Glynis McNicol.
So please enjoy the episode and we hope you are enjoying the holiday season.
Hello and welcome to Forever 35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves.
I'm Dory Shafrier.
And I'm Elise Hu.
And we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.
I like to talk a lot, period, period.
I know, I kind of paused there.
You did.
Because we do talk a lot.
I think it was an apt pause.
Elise, I wanted to tell you about a nice thing that a friend of mine said, which is about the podcast, which is that how you talked about going to see bad comics starting out to support them.