This is the indicator for Planet Money.
I'm Adrian Ma and joining me today in some end of the year cleaning is Planet Money's co host, Kenny Malone.
Hi ho, hi ho.
It's off to cleaning work we go.
Let's do it with, with a Disney theme, very own brand.
Okay guys, I think we've got pretty much all of 2024's indicators cleaned up and cleared out of the closet.
There is one more mysteriously unmarked box here though.
Just if I can take this out here and let's see what's inside this thing.
Adrian, is that, is that a glowing orb?
Oh my God.
I think we should touch it.
Sure, why not all at the same time.
Let's say 3, 2, 1.
Jo I feel like I can see it all.
The future, the present time.