单集简介 ...
Before the year ends, let's talk about a few things I learned in 2024. Every emotion has a hidden meaningThe people who say you can’t or won’t are usually the ones who are afraid you will Someone who becomes your enemy over a misunderstanding without trying to resolve it was always your enemy We are products of our past but we do not need to be prisoners of it You will bloom if you take the time to water yourself
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Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Equip - You don't need a formal diagnosis to receive care from Equip. Visit equip.health/TNTC to learn more about Equip.
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Gatorade - If you have a lot on your to do list or you want to make your hot girl walk even better, put your water to work with Gatorade Hydration Booster! Use code BOOST20 for 20% off!
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by MasterClass - To get 50% off go to MASTERCLASS.com/TTC
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