It's a Lonely island and Seth Meyers.
Criterion Collection podcast episode.
Oh, shit.
Hey, everybody.
Welcome to a very special episode of the Lonely island and Seth Meyers podcast.
Before we start, I want to stress that we've put exactly as much thought into this episode as all previous episodes, which is not much.
But I am joined by two luminaries who are going to help us select the Criterion Collection of the first 34 shorts we have covered on the podcast.
We are joined by Mike Scher and Jake Tapper.
Hello, gentlemen.
Thank you.
How are you set?
It's about time.
Really good.
It's about time.
Okay, slow your roll, Tapper.
So real quick, just credits wise.
Mike Scher and I met at snl.
He then went on to work in the Office.