Also: why can't humans handle uncertainty already? We’re replaying No Stupid Questions, starting here with the very first episode, from May 17, 2020.
Hey there, it's Stephen Dubner.
You remember me back when no Stupid Questions started?
In the pandemic spring of 2020, I co hosted the show with Angela Duckworth.
We made nearly 150 episodes together, and then I moved out and our mutual friend Mike Maughan moved in and the two of them made another 70 plus episodes.
But now the show is ending production.
Five Years is a long time in podcast land, so we're proud of the work we've done and grateful for the amazing community of listeners of which you are one.
We've heard from many listeners who were sad to hear that the show had ended, so we've decided to do something about it.
We are going to replay the series from the beginning right here in the NSQ feed.
So today you will hear the very first episode that Angela and I made.
Back then, every episode had two questions, not one.
Some other things changed over the years, but I'm not going to just tell you.
There will be a quiz at the end, so I suggest you listen carefully.
I mean, not really there probably won't be a quiz, but I'd still suggest you listen carefully.
And next week you will hear episode two, etc.
Let us know what you think of these early shows or anything else you want to get off your mind.
Our email is nsqreakonomics.
As always, thanks for listening.
Hey, Angela, how's your life?
No, that sounded insincere.