175. Mastering Toasts and Tributes: Making Your Words Count

175. 掌握祝酒和致敬:让你的话语有价值

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques


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Crafting impactful toasts for very occasion. "Almost reflexively, most of us focus in the moment on how others are perceiving us, yet these situations aren't about us at all." Matt Abrahams, host of Think Fast, Talk Smart, shares an excerpt from his book, Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot, on the art of delivering effective toasts and tributes. With a focus on public speaking in celebratory contexts, he offers a structured approach to crafting meaningful remarks.Matt introduces the WHAT structure—a four-part formula designed to guide speakers through the process. This method helps ensure that the focus remains on the honorees, transforming speeches into gifts for the audience. He further shares tips for refining remarks, including the importance of brevity and the need to prepare for emotional moments. Matt advises, "Be brief and to the point. Long toasts, tributes, or introductions are usually bad ones." He also highlights the significance of setting others up for success, ensuring a smooth flow for subsequent speakers.With insights from his book and practical examples, Matt equips listeners with the tools to deliver impactful toasts and tributes, making these moments memorable for all involved. Audio excerpt courtesy of Simon & Schuster Audio from THINK FASTER, TALK SMARTER by Matt Abrahams, read by the author. Copyright 2023 by Matthew Abrahams LLC. Used with permission of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Episode Reference Links: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the SpotConnect: Premium Signup >>>> Think Fast Talk Smart PremiumEmail Questions & Feedback >>> hello@fastersmarter.ioEpisode Transcripts >>> Think Fast Talk Smart WebsiteNewsletter Signup + English Language Learning >>> FasterSmarter.ioThink Fast Talk Smart >>> LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTubeMatt Abrahams >>> LinkedInChapters: (00:00) - Introduction (01:38) - Key Insight: Toasts, Tributes, and Introductions (03:09) - Why it Matters (03:59) - Craft Your Content (05:10) - Step One: Why Are We Here? (05:54) - Step Two: How Are You Connected? (06:45) - Step Three: Anecdotes or Learnings (07:53) - Step Four: Thank (08:35) - Refine Your Remarks (09:02) - Tip One: Be Brief and to the Point (09:52) - Tip Two: Prepare to be Emotional (11:44) - Tip Three: Shine the Spotlight Away From You (12:14) - Tip Four: Make Your Anecdotes Accessible and Appropriate (12:44) - Tip Five: Strive for Unity (14:07) - Tip Six: Set Others Up for Success (15:00) - Conclusion ********Become a Faster Smarter Supporter by joining TFTS Premium.

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  • Hi Matt here.

  • Before we get started, I wanted to wish all of you happy Holidays and happy new year.

  • 2025 marks Think Fast Talk Smart's five year anniversary and we are excited to continue to develop content and a community that supports you developing your communication and career.

  • We have lots of great things coming up.

  • In January you'll notice several collaborations we have with companies to help bring you more in depth and meaningful content.

  • In mid January we'll release our miniseries on Communication Happiness and soon we'll also be hosting a LinkedIn Live focusing on expanding and developing your career.

  • As always, we thank you for listening and your support.

  • Finally, if you're still looking for a last minute gift, please consider Think Fast, Talk Smart Premium or checking out our guests books.

  • You can learn more at fastersmarter IO under Premium or Resources we have all.

  • Suffered through a bad toast.

  • Be it at a work event or a holiday party or a wedding, we.

  • Must avoid giving tributes that put us.

  • And our honorees in a bad light.

  • I'm Matt Abrahams and I teach Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

  • Welcome to Think Fast, Talk Smart.

  • The podcast Toasts and Tributes are some of the most frequent public speaking events most of us are called upon to deliver.

  • To help us all feel and do better in these situations, I'd like to share the audio chapter from my latest book, Think f or Talk Smarter, where I provide guidance on how to deliver toasts that tantalize and tributes that treat our honorees well.

  • Key Insight Toasts, Tributes, and introductions are some of the most common instances of spontaneous speaking out there.

  • Whether it's at product launches, panels, weddings, quinceaneras, funerals, or luncheons, we often must speak up to mark life events, celebrate accomplishments, and introduce others almost reflexively.

  • Most of us focus in the moment on how others are perceiving us, yet these situations aren't about us at all.