9 分钟Foreign talk with podcast and chill.
Hi everyone, I'm Gwen and joining me is my cheerful co host Leo.
Welcome to our podcast listeners.
Today we're talking about something that many of you might be interested in.
Part time jobs.
Part time jobs can be a great way to earn some extra money.
Who doesn't like that?
Right, but it's not just about the money.
In today's episode we will discuss the benefits as well as the do's and don'ts of part time jobs.
We've also created a PDF for this episode which is full of vocabulary and tips for your English learning journey.
Don't miss it.
Now, let's begin.
So what exactly are part time jobs?
Gwen, part time jobs are jobs where you work for a few hours each day or week instead of working full time.
They are a great way to earn extra money, gain experience and learn new skills.
Working at a coffee shop, being a tutor or a delivery person could be considered part time jobs.
I see.
So what are the differences between a full time job and a part time job?
Well, the most obvious difference is the time.
Full time jobs usually mean working 40 hours a week, sometimes more.