#516 | Journey to the Deep: A Short History of Underwater Exploration

第516章 深处之旅:水下探索简史

English Learning for Curious Minds



22 分钟

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From ancient diving bells to the groundbreaking descent of the Mariana Trench, in this episode, we'll uncover tales of bravery, innovation, and the pursuit of knowledge beneath the waves.   Ancient history of exploring the ocean's depths Aristotle's theoretical diving concept in the 4th Century BC Early diving bell inventions and Alexander the Great myth Magellan's attempt to measure ocean depth in 1521 The invention of the first submarine by Cornelis Drebbel David Bushnell's "Turtle" and its military attempts HMS Challenger's oceanographic expedition reveals deep-sea life Discovery of the Mariana Trench's Challenger Deep First manned descent into Mariana Trench in 1960 Current understanding and mystery of Earth's deep oceans Full interactive transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website: https://www.leonardoenglish.com/podcasts/underwater-exploration --- You might like: 🔓 Unlock bonus episodes, interactive transcripts, subtitles & vocabulary lists 📹 A look inside Leonardo English membership 🧑‍💼 Demystifying Business English Course ⚡️  How To Use Podcasts Like A Boss To Learn English 📧 Join the weekly newsletter ✍️ Free English Grammar Checker--- Keywords: Learn English, vocabulary, lessons, idioms, aprende inglés, idiomas, aprender inglês, apprendre l'anglais, imparare l’inglese, ingilizce öğren,英語を習う, تعلم الإنجليزية

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