Half a billion people need reading glasses. Why can't they get them? (Encore)

十亿人需要老花镜。 为什么他们拿不到? (安可)

The Indicator from Planet Money



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单集简介 ...

If you need some reading glasses in the United States, you don't have to break the bank to pick some up. That's important for older folks who need a little extra magnification. But in some parts of the world, people who need readers don't have that privilege. Today on the show, we'll find out why that is and learn the economic solution to the reading glasses shortage. This piece originally aired October 9, 2024. Related episodes:Two indicators: supply chain solutions (Apple / Spotify) For sponsor-free episodes of The Indicator from Planet Money, subscribe to Planet Money+ via Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org. Music by Drop Electric. Find us: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter. Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices NPR Privacy Policy

单集文稿 ...

  • This week we're running some of our favorite episodes from the past year.

  • This episode digs into why reading glasses are so available in the US and yet why so many people around the world are living without them.

  • NPR.

  • It'S one of those annoying facts of life that the the older you get, the more often you find that your body just doesn't work like it used to.

  • Case in point, I'm almost 40 years old and for the past year or so I find that just reading things has become more difficult.

  • Like I find myself squinting to read an article on my computer or just like constantly enlarging the font.

  • And I know that this is only going to get worse in the coming years.

  • And the fact of this would be personally and professionally devastating if the solution were not extremely easy and cheap to come by.

  • Reading glasses right?

  • I can get reading glasses at any pharmacy or convenience store for just a few bucks.

  • Online, I could get five pairs of reading glasses for a little more than a dollar apiece.

  • And that's why I was super surprised to learn this.

  • According to a report by the Lancet Global Health Commission, the number of people who have unaddressed vision loss that could be solved with a simple pair of reading glasses is around 510 million.

  • That is more than the populations of the U.S.

  • mexico and Canada combined.

  • So if reading glasses are so available and cheap here in the US Why are so many people around the world living without them?

  • This is the indicator for Planet Money.

  • I'm Adrian Ma, and today on the show we'll answer that question and we'll learn the economic solution to this reading glasses shortage.

  • Ho ho ho.

  • Santa here coming to you from the North Pole, where the elves in our podcast division have just completed work on this season's best gift for public radio lovers.