Hey, it's Amanda Aronczyk.
The year is almost over.
You've heard a lot of pitches asking you to support npr.
To the many of you who have given, thank you.
Now, if you are sick of these pitches, chances are you are a heavy podcast listener that you get a lot out of NPR podcasts like Planet Money, the Indicator up first, the NPR Politics Podcast.
In order to make all our shows possible, NPR has sponsors sponsors slot messages into podcast episodes.
You hear them them every show.
Unless you don't.
That is just one of the things we offer.
Supporters who sign up for NPR sponsor free episodes of more than 25 different NPR podcasts, including this one.
And those sponsor messages add up.
If you listen to two or three NPR podcasts each week, we could be talking about 12 hours worth of sponsor messages in a year.
So just consider like what is 12 hours of your time worth and imagine spending that on something that matters and keeping those 12 hours.
Supporting public media is a public good, especially right now.
Information matters.
Facts matter.
Context and perspective matter.
We know you know this.
So please take a few minutes.
To save hours of time in the coming year and support NPR, go to plus.NPR.org get sponsor free episodes as well as bonus episodes, merch discounts and other perks across more than 25 NPR shows.