Hey there.
I'm Dory.
And I'm Elise.
And we are on holiday break.
Hope you are enjoying one yourself.
And we know a lot of year end reviews are coming at us this time of year, but instead of doing a full wrap up on 2024, we picked an episode from the summer that we are replaying today in case you missed it.
And it's our conversation with the sociologist and writer Tressie McMillan Cottam.
So enjoy the episode and enjoy the holidays.
Hello and welcome to Forever 35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves.
I'm Dory Shafrier.
And I'm Elise Hu.
And we are just two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.
And today we have.
I mean, I, I always hesitate to be like, this was one of our best conversations because I genuinely enjoy all of our conversations with our guests and think that they all bring so much.
But this conversation in particular to me goes into the Forever 35 hall of Fame.
It's just one mic drop after another after another.
So much insight.
I needed to have this conversation when we did.
So because we have been going through such a turbulent summer, it's like I've aged 10 years in one week.