Hello, everyone.
You're listening to After Hours.
I'm Felix.
And I'm Mihir.
Happy Diwali, Mihir.
Oh, yes, thank you, Felix.
I know it's been a couple of days, but I hope you celebrated.
Oh, it was fantastic.
Diwali is a wonderful celebration in Hinduism and for many people around the world.
We happen to celebrate it with my sister, who does a wonderful job of putting together a little puja.
And it's really quite a lovely holiday in some sense.
It's a new year celebration, but the theme of light is a wonderful one, as you may recall.
You'll see houses lit up with diyas, small little lights.
But it is everything that light represents.
Light over darkness, good over evil.
And so there's just a wonderful set of themes that run through it.
Yeah, it's sort of interesting to think about.
Across religions, light plays a big role.
Think about the Jewish holidays, think about Christmas light and religion and festivities.