31 分钟Youngme, Felix, and Mihir share their reactions to Apple’s big event announcing the launch of its new TV+ service. They then discuss whether corporate debt levels are reaching crisis potential. Some recent picks: Station Eleven: A Novel (Emily St. John Mandel)How Finance Works (Mihir Desai)Netflix Subgenre CodesBang Bar (New restaurant by David Chang)Games MagazineMuseum of FailureEpisode: “Aliy” from Losers (Netflix Series)Ash is Purest White (Movie)Dynasties (Nature Series)After Life (Netflix)You can email your comments and ideas for future episodes to: harvardafterhours@gmail.com. You can follow Youngme and Mihir on Twitter at: @YoungmeMoon and @DesaiMihirA. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.