14 分钟Hello, everyone, and welcome to a special edition of My Perfect Console.
I'm joined today by previous guest of the show, the novelist Veronica Roth.
Veronica, how are you?
I'm doing great, how are you?
Yeah, really good.
So thanks so much for doing this because you are in the middle of moving house, as I can see, because you're stood next to a building site or a wall or something.
Yes, it is a brick wall.
It was the best background.
And you, you were just in the UK recently.
You did a UK tour, MCM Comicon and stuff.
How was that?
It was great.
I was staying at the Canary Wharf, which is not necessarily where people go when they want to visit London.
Yeah, it's quite businessy, isn't it?
Yeah, it was very businessy and smelled a lot like the Thames, but it was a great trip, so no complaints.
What was the best thing you ate while you were over here, if anything?
I ate some great stuff, actually.
My husband is a subscriber to Noble Rot magazine, which is like a wide magazine and they have like three restaurants now and they're amazing.