Jewellery with Bonhams, artist Es Devlin and ‘Dior in Scotland’

Bonhams、艺术家 Es Devlin 和“Dior in Scotland”的珠宝

Konfekt Korner



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单集简介 ...

The first days of January are for rest and recuperation but also new ideas, resolutions and, above all, dreams. This month we’re at London auction house Bonhams for a conversation that reflects on jewellery design and human emotion with expert Kate Flitcroft. We’ll meet British artist and stage designer Es Devlin and discuss her incredible show at Somerset House, ‘Face to Face: 50 Encounters with Strangers’, and speak to writer and biographer Justine Picardie about Dior’s incredible journey to Scotland for its 2025 cruise collection. So take up a pen to scribble your own ambitions while hearing our tips, thoughts and ideas for the year ahead. See for privacy information.

单集文稿 ...

  • The first days of January are for rest and recuperation, but also new ideas, resolutions and above all, dreams.

  • It's now in the warmth of our still twinkly interiors, when the Christmas boughs exude their scent more than ever, that I scribble, reading lists and Little Aid memoirs that might nudge me into action.

  • With an entire calendar year ahead of us, it's this time of year when ambitious plans are hatched, often on long walks or over longrous meals after crisp, cold days in the mountains.

  • And so this episode will begin at the London auction house Bonhams with a conversation that reflects on jewellery design and human emotion.

  • With the expert Kate Flitcroft, we'll meet British artist and stage designer Es Devlin and discuss her incredible show face to face 50 encounters with strangers at London's Somerset House.

  • And we'll speak to writer and biographer Justine Picardy about Dior's incredible journey to Scotland for its 2025 cruise collection.

  • So take up a pen and scribble your own ambitions for 2025 whilst hearing our tips, thoughts and ideas.

  • This is Conflict Corner and I'm your host, Sophie Grove.

  • When Maria Grazia, when we went together with her team to the Pebrides, it's not until you go there that you understand how this material tells the story of the islanders.

  • They were designed by a woman jeweler and you can really tell.

  • There's a real sense of the feminine form in the piece itself and the way that it sits on the ear and follows the jawline.

  • I made the drawings between April and August this year and in each case someone would sit for 45 minutes.

  • I would have heard them knock at the door.

  • I knew their first name, I didn't know anything else about them.

  • After 45 minutes they told me their story.

  • Then I changed the drawing.

  • Welcome to Confet Corner.

  • I'm your host, Sophie Grove here in London and I'm joined as ever by Julian Dubais here in the studio and by our style director, Marcella Palak in Zurich.

  • Hello to you both.

  • Hi, Sevi, Grizzie, Marcella, Grizzie, Gillian.