Episode 211: Cutting and Ned


the memory palace



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The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Music Je ne pas si c’est tout le monde - Theme Comedie from Vincent Delerm’s score to the film of the same, long name. Forbin’s Hi Fi from Michel Colombier’s score to Colossus: The Forbin Project Boo’s Lullaby by Maria Chiara Agriro and Jamie Leeming Helle (Ballade) from the great Phillipe Sarde score to that picture. L’Espagne pour memoire from Michel Portal’s score to Un et a la garoupe The Rain Never Stops on Venus by Michael Wollney Je t’ai meme pas dit by Vincent Delerm. From a Dream by Oregon A version of Narcisus for Clarinet and Electronics as played by Thea Musgrave. Notes Good sources if you want to know more are Peter Manseau’s book about spirit photography and the spiritualist age (Cutting intersects interestingly with that crea), The Apparitionists, as well as this article by Jerry Ryan about the history of aquariums in Boston.

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  • Hey, this is Nate, and before we get started, I am very excited.

  • I have been waiting to do this for months.

  • So I have a book coming out from Random House on November 19 of this year.

  • It is called the Memory palace.

  • Interestingly enough, it has a number of classic stories from the show.

  • It has new stories that will only appear in the book.

  • There are illustrations.

  • There are found photographs.

  • There's a whole section of memoir based stories that are nothing like I've ever done before, but that also feel like the memory palace, and I'm very proud of them.

  • And if you like the show, I think you're gonna like this book.

  • And if you are one of those people who wanted to share the show with other people in your life who just aren't podcast listeners, this is your chance.

  • It's gonna be out just in time for the holiday season.

  • But if you want to help me out, me, Nate DiMeo real life person.

  • If you want to support the show and help new audiences find it, if you wanna.

  • And this sounds corny, I know, but if you wanna help me live out dreams that I've had forever to be a person who gets to write more books, then I'm gonna ask you right.

  • Now to pre order this book.