Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 516

和哈利说更好的英语 | 第516话

Speak Better English with Harry



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In this episode, you’ll learn 10 powerful ways to describe things that are new, modern, or unique. These words will help you sound more fluent and natural in your daily conversations, whether you're discussing trends, technology, or creative ideas. New vocabulary words are perfect for improving your speaking, writing, and overall communication skills.Whether you're preparing for exams like IELTS or CAE, or want to grow your vocabulary, this lesson will help you sound more confident and natura...

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  • Foreign.

  • Hi there, this is Harry.

  • Welcome back to Advanced English Lessons with Harry where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language, to help you with your conversational skills, your business English skills, interview skills, whatever your goals are, we're here to help.

  • And for those of you and your friends or family who want one to one lessons, well, you know what to do.

  • Just get in touch www.englishlesson via skype.com and you can apply for a free trial lesson.

  • And we'd be very happy to hear from you and very happy to help you.

  • So in this particular lesson, this advanced English lesson, we're looking at other ways to say new.

  • I'm going back to the old fashioned way.

  • We've got 10 in our list.

  • Okay, so I'll go through the 10 and then I'll go back and give you examples, situations when hopefully you can use them.

  • So the first way to say new is latest.

  • The latest edition of Microsoft is Windows 11.

  • That's the latest.

  • So it's not completely new, it's just the latest.

  • The latest update will come through and if you're using Skype, you'll get a little message to say there's an upgrade.

  • That's the latest.

  • The most recent.

  • Okay, the latest edition of this book was only printed three months ago, so that's a new edition.

  • So a new edition of the Oxford English Dictionary might be printed every year to take into account the extra 10 or 15 or 20 words that they typically add to the English language every year.

  • So latest fresh.