Episode 120: The Prairie Chicken in Wisconsin: Highlights of a Study of Counts, Behavior, Turnover, Movement, and Habitat

第 120 集:威斯康星州的草原鸡:计数、行为、营业额、运动和栖息地的研究要点

the memory palace



18 分钟

单集简介 ...

The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX. Music We move between three different pieces from Camille Saint-Saens': Suite, Op. 90: II Menuet, and two from Carnival of the Animals:Aviary and the Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods. We hit Juneau from Danny Bensi and Sander Jurriaans' score to Wildlike. And The Waltz from their score to 5 to 7. And there's a total gem from George Mukabi called Dila Ni Dila in there too. Notes Do yourself a favor and read Frances Hamerstrom's autobiography, My Double Life: Memoirs of a Naturalist. Do your kids a favor and Jeannine Atkins take on Frances in her book Girls Who Looked Under Rocks. And then watch Frances teach David Letterman how to cook a snake.

单集文稿 ...

  • This episode of the Memory palace is.

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  • Hey, this is Nate, and before we get started, I am very excited.

  • I have been waiting to do this for months.

  • So I have a book coming out from Random House on November 19 of this year.

  • It is called the Memory palace.

  • Interestingly enough, it has a number of classic stories from the show.

  • It has new stories that will only appear in the book.

  • There are illustrations.

  • There are found photographs.

  • There's a whole section of memoir based stories that are nothing like I've ever done before, but that also feel like the memory palace.

  • Very proud of them.

  • And if you like the show, I think you're gonna like this book.

  • And if you are one of those people who wanted to share the show with other people in your life who just aren't podcast listeners, this is your chance.

  • It's gonna be out just in time for the holiday season.