31 分钟Hey there, it's Shamita.
Happy New Year.
This week we're bringing you an episode from our archives.
I hope you enjoy
this is in conversation from Apple News.
I'm Shemitha Basu.
Today, a renowned couples therapist on how to figure out what you're actually fighting about.
Is the most well known couples therapist in the world.
She's written best selling books about relationships and infidelity.
She's given TED talks with tens of millions of views.
And she has a podcast, where should we Begin?
Where you get to hear her sitting down with real couples, helping them work through their issues.
He thinks he's been the one saying to you always, things will be all right, I'll take care of it.
If you want to bring back the mature adult woman you just met,
mediated by the affair, you need to tell him, let me take care of you.
And even if you don't ask now, I have more material to see what's going on.
I can make that step without me waiting for you to ask.
Part of what makes Esther so good,
so talented is that she's got this almost surgical precision in being able to identify what's really driving a fight.