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This is the Memory Palace.
I'm Nate DiMeo.
Three quick stories about the Memory palace audiobook.
A while back, maybe two years ago, I really don't remember.
It is hard to remember when anything happens anymore.
I was in a historic cemetery, which I realize is, you know, pretty on brand.
I was in the granary burial ground in Boston where Sam Adams and John Hancock and the men killed during the Boston Massacre are buried during a beautiful summer day with my daughter.
We had met up with our friend Sarah and her daughter, and we were walking the Freedom Trail a little bit, you know, the painted path that guides tourists from historic site to historic site throughout the city.
And while we were there, I got this call telling me that Random House was going to buy my book.
I will not forget that phone call.
And I will never forget seeing my daughter walking on the other side of the cemetery with Sarah and her daughter, kind of watching me have this phone call, looking expectantly to find out what clearly this good news was.
I could see her walking between the headstones and the trees.