The best of ‘Tall Stories’ in 2024

2024 年最佳“传奇故事”

The Urbanist



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Monocle’s editor in chief, Andrew Tuck, rounds up his favourite episodes of ‘Tall Stories’ from 2024. See for privacy information.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hello and welcome to the Urbanist, Monocle's programme all about the built environment.

  • I'm your host, Andrew Tuck.

  • Coming up, there is a circus in Kreuzberg that never leaves town.

  • Rather than a tent, this circus is housed in a feat of postmodernism.

  • We turn the focus on our sister bite sized show Tall Stories to bring you some of our favorite reports of the year gone by.

  • We'll stop off at a private members club in Johannesburg, make our way down Ireland's River Shannon, head to the circus in Berlin, pass by the Russian embassy in Cuba and visit the most famous hotel room in the world in Montreal.

  • That's all ahead in the next 30 minutes from right here on the Urbanist with me, Andrew Tuck.

  • We start today with a trip to South Africa.

  • Back in April, Elna Schutz took us to a Johannesburg institution almost as old as the city itself to see how the space has kept up with the times while retaining its classic charm.

  • When I think of downtown Johannesburg, I think of classic southern African urban chaos.

  • Street vendors honking minibus taxis and throngs of people.

  • But if you take a minute to really look around, you'll see that even though the city is Young, at 138 years, it still boasts many beautiful Edwardian facades of its gold digging origins.

  • The Rand Club is the epitome of this.

  • Founded in 1887, it was an important meeting place for the young town.

  • And it has evolved with the history.

  • It's seen high level strikes and arrests, a fire and royal visits, as well as a membership and leadership that changed with the times.

  • It's like a little beacon of elegance in a city that's seen plenty of ups and downs.

  • Coming by car, you can park out front in a boomed off area, which is a highly unusual privilege.

  • Downtown, in front of the classy stone building, you'll be greeted by Wilson or one of the other friendly doormen.

  • His tie has the swirly Rand Club monogram, which you'll spot all over the club's carpet.