The Moth Podcast: Resolutions


The Moth



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For the New Year, we've got two stories about resolving to quit some bad habits. This episode is hosted by Michelle Jalowski. Storytellers: Ian Stewart does his best to quit smoking. Melissa Earley learns some lessons on a post-divorce vacation. Podcast # 900

单集文稿 ...

  • Welcome to the Moth Podcast.

  • I'm Michelle Jalowski.

  • It may be a new year, but I've got pretty much the same resolutions.

  • I'm going to start reading a book every week.

  • I'm going to take more walks.

  • I'm finally going to find a way to keep that Trader Joe's orchid alive for more than a month.

  • Check back with me in March to see how I did.

  • But sometimes the best thing you can do isn't to start something new.

  • It's to think about your old habits that you don't love the things and ideas that aren't serving you and decide to leave them behind.

  • On this episode, we've got two stories about the good that can sometimes come from quitting.

  • First up is Ian Stewart, who told this at a mock story slam in Portland.

  • Here's Ian live at the Mop.

  • I remember my first cigarette almost as well as I remember my last.

  • My first one.

  • It was all love and honey.

  • It tasted good.

  • It felt good on my lips.

  • It melted my brain like chocolate under a hot marshmallow.

  • Last one, not so much.

  • It was one of those random summertime hailstorms and I was huddled underneath this little overhang, smoking it with abandon.