Announcing Series 9

宣布系列 9

You're Dead to Me



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We’re back! Greg Jenner previews the topics and guest coming up in the new series of You're Dead To Me which begins on Friday 3 January, 2025. Listen first on BBC Sounds.

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  • This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the uk.

  • BBC Sounds Music Radio podcasts.

  • Hello, Greg here.

  • I am delighted to tell you that series nine of youf're Dead To Me is barreling towards us at great speed.

  • We'll be starting with an episode about Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher.

  • We'll be doing the causes of the British Civil wars in the 1600s, you might think.

  • Hang on, do you mean the English Civil War?

  • No, that's not what we call it now.

  • We've change the name because it's British.

  • Ireland and Scotland are involved.

  • We're doing the arts and craft movement of the 19th century with William Morris.

  • We're looking at Queen Catherine de Medici of France.

  • She was not entirely queen, but she basically ruled the place.

  • We're looking also at the abolitionists from America in the 19th century, Sojourner Truth.

  • We are doing Arthurian legends.

  • So King Arthur from medieval to modern day.

  • Very excited about that one because that was my master's thesis when I was a student.

  • We've also looked at Hernan Cortes and his translator Melincin and the conquest of Aztec Mexico by the Spanish.

  • We've got an episode on cuneiform writing systems in ancient Bronze Age Mesopotamia.

  • Nerdy, but interesting, I can tell you.