From PRX Friends beyond the Binary Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for the podcaster who's searching for ways to take your mind off of stuff to keep you company, to be your friend in the deep, dark night.
A friend you don't really need to listen to.
A friend who's here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep.
Welcome to Sleep With Me.
If you're new, this podcast is a bit different.
I'm here to just be your friend.
Just like if you're listening to a.
Show in the other room or with your screen turned down, or you had a friend on the phone, you say, hey, tell me all about Winterfest in Syracuse, New York.
Oh boy, do I have so much.
No, no, not the interesting part.
So can you give me some out of date information and then go on tangents instead of talking about it?
So maybe barely talk about your memories and then go off topic and I'm not going to really listen to you.
Oh boy.
That's what this podcast is.
Believe it or not, that's what this podcast is.
So I'm happy to do that because I've had trouble sleeping, so I'm happy to help out those I can with my pointless meanders and superfluous tangents.
But if you're new, it does take some getting used to because you may have tuned into the show because it's a sleep podcast and you're like expecting something more sleepy.
Where this podcast is more company than like a company, you don't.
I mean, what's the best kind of company?
Company you don't have to interact with or entertain.