Episode 368 Gesa's HBAC with PROM + Differences Between OBGYN & Home Birth Midwifery Care

第 368 集 Gesa 的 HBAC 与 PROM + 妇产科和家庭分娩助产护理之间的差异

The VBAC Link



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What are the typical differences between hospital OB care and home birth midwifery care? Throughout her VBAC prep, Gesa was able to directly compare the two side by side. She was planning a home birth with a midwife but continued to see her OB at the hospital for the insurance benefits.  Some differences she noted:  Her OB used ultrasound to determine baby’s position. Her midwife palpated her belly.Her midwife ran a blood test to check iron levels, and then suggested an iron supplement. Her OB did not track iron.OB visits were typically a few minutes long. Visits with her midwife were an hour or longer in her home. The hospital required cervical checks, laboring in a mask, continuous monitoring, and only allowed one support person.  The way Gesa navigated her care is so inspiring. Her midwife was hands-on during pregnancy in all of the best ways and just as hands-off during birth to let the physiological process take over. Gesa’s story is exactly why we love HBAC so much! Needed Website How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents Full Transcript under Episode Details  Julie:  Good morning, Women of Strength. I am really excited to be back here with you. This is Julie, and it is my first official episode back doing regular episodes. Just like we talked about a couple of weeks ago, I’m going to be doing– or was it last week? I can’t remember what week it is. But we are going to be doing every other episode alternating between me and Meagan for the most part. I’m really excited to be back here.  We have a really special guest with us today. But before we get into that, I want to say that I just got back from South Korea two weeks ago. No, two days ago. If you haven’t listened to Paige’s episode for her maternal assisted C-section, go listen to the episode that launched on December 2nd. I do believe it was maybe episode 357. Me and Paige are talking and sharing her story. I am literally so jet-lagged right now. It is going to be a morning for me for sure. If I’m a little clunkier than usual or my brain doesn’t work just right, just be a little patient with me, please, because the jet lag is absolutely real.  Before we do get started though and introduce our guest, I want to read a review. Meagan sent me a review this morning, and I think it’s really interesting because she sent me this review this morning. It’s a 1-star review, and you might be curious as to why I’m choosing to read a 1-star review, but I’ll tell you a little bit more afterward why I picked that.  This one is on Apple Podcasts. This person said, “Listened to 10 episodes, and found that the stories they choose to share are usually always the same with a twist. Didn’t find any episodes that said ‘A C-section saved me and my baby’s life’ so lots of bias and fear-mongering from people who are selling female empowerment. Maybe I’m missing the episode where the hosts say that sometimes it’s okay to have a C-section. With all of these birth stories, you would think I could relate with one, but I find that the anecdotes shared in this podcast are a really easy way to avoid talking about women who are actually statistical outliers.”  I think that episode is really interesting. First of all, I appreciate everybody’s views and perspectives. But also, I think that review is a little bit interesting because she said she has listened to 10 episodes. I’m just assuming it’s a she. Maybe that’s not the right way to do that. She said she has only listened to 10 episodes. It’s interesting because I wonder what 10 she picked.  I feel like, isn’t it maybe a sign that all of the stories are similar because our healthcare system needs a lot of work? Clearly, if so many women are having trauma and unnecessary C-sections, isn’t that a sign that something needs to change? I know that a lot of us have struggled with unnecessary C-sections and really traumatic treatment in the hospital systems, so I don’t know. I wanted to bring that up because first of all, we do have many, many episodes where C-sections were necessary. We’ve talked a lot about that how C-sections are lifesaving procedures when they are necessary.  I feel like we do a pretty good job leaving space for all of the stories, but let me know what you think. Go to the Instagram post today about this episode, and let me know. What do you think? Do you think we do a pretty good job? Do you think we need to have a little bit more talking about C-sections that are actually necessary and lifesaving? Do you think it’s unequally represented? Let me know. I want to start a discussion about this. Go ahead and leave a comment.  Let’s talk about it. But I do know that me and Meagan have been very intentional with sharing a wide variety of stories and outcomes and necessary and unnecessary C-sections. Hopefully, you feel well represented no matter what side of the view you are on.  Anyway, we are going to go ahead and get started now. Today, I have a really awesome guest. Her name is Gesa, and she lives in Charleston, South Carolina. She is a mom of two boys. She had a C-section with her first baby. The C-section was because of a breech presentation after she tried everything to turn him. Knowing that she absolutely did not want to have a C-section for her second baby, she navigated the difficult search for a truly supportive provider and ended up having a successful HBAC, or home birth after Cesarean, after having some challenges to get labor started.  We are super excited to hear her story. We are going to talk more at the end about how to find the right provider for your birth and your birth after a Cesarean after she goes ahead and shares her story with us. All right, Gesa. Are you there? Gesa: I’m here.  Julie:  Yay. I’m so excited to have you with me today. Thank you so much for joining me, and again, for being patient with all of my technical issues this morning.  Gesa: Of course.  Julie:  But I will go ahead and would like to turn it over to you. You can share your story with us, and yeah. I’m excited to hear it.  Gesa: Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here and share my story.  Okay, let’s start with my first birth which was my C-section. Everything was going well at the beginning of the pregnancy. I was feeling a little bit nauseous, but overall, feeling well. Then at the anatomy scan, I found out that my baby was breech. I was like, “Wait, what does that mean? What does that mean for birth? What’s going on with that?”  We had so much time left. The provider was not worried at all. It was around 20 weeks so we thought we had plenty of time at that point. Babies are little. They flip-flop around. I was not concerned at all.  As time progressed, he continued to stay breech, so he did not flip on his own. During one of my OB appointments, I was basically told, “Well, if your baby does not turn head down, we’re just going to have to have a C-section.” There were really no other options given.  At that point, I was actually planning a natural birth at a hospital, so that was not really what I had in mind. We had also taken a Hypnobirthing class which was awesome. We learned so much about birth and pregnancy that I had no idea about.  Hearing that I was going to need a C-section if he wasn’t going to turn head down was really not what I wanted. I started looking into things I could do to help him turn. I started doing Spinning Babies exercises. I started seeing a chiropractor. I did acupuncture. I even did moxibustion at some point which is really fun. It was a Chinese herb that you burn by your toe, and that’s supposed to create fetal movement and help the baby flip which unfortunately did not help.  I was out in the pool doing handstands and backflips about every day. I was lying on my ironing board at some point with a bag of frozen peas on my belly. I really tried everything possible to get this baby to flip. Nothing worked. I ended up trying to have the ECV at about 37 weeks. That’s the version where they try to manually flip the baby from the outside. She gave it a good try to attempt, and he would not move.  It was that his head felt stuck under my ribs. It was very uncomfortable. He was very comfortable where he was at. They had me schedule the C-section which I was really unhappy about, but at that point, I didn’t really see any other option.  It was about my 37-38 week appointment, and the OB wanted to talk a little bit more about the details of the C-section which made me really emotional because that was not what I wanted. I started crying during the appointment, then the nurse comes in and says, “Hey, we actually forgot to check your blood pressure. Let’s do that really quick.” I was like, “I’m sure that’s going to be great now that I’m all emotional and crying here.”  Of course, the blood pressure was higher than it was supposed to be. The OB started joking, “Oh, maybe we’ll have a baby today. Maybe we’re just going to do an emergency C-section,” which was not what I wanted to hear at all. It made me even more emotional. I remember sitting in the office crying. Now, I had this high blood pressure.  My husband handed me this magazine of puppies or kittens. He said, “Sit here. Chill out and just relax. Look at the kittens. They’ll retake your blood pressure, and I’m sure it’s going to be fine.” I was like, “Oh my god. Nothing is fine right now.” It ended up coming down a little bit. They still sent me to the hospital for some additional monitoring. It was all good, and we ended up being sent home. But I just felt so unsupported and so unheard in that moment.  When I was thinking about the C-section, I was even considering at some point what happens if I just don’t show up for my C-section appointment and just waited to see if I’d go into labor? But then I thought, “Maybe an emergency C-section wou

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