This is the indicator from Planet Money.
I'm Adrienne Ma.
And I'm Wayland Wong.
You know, there are lots of ways to gauge how people feel about the economy.
We've got different indices of consumer confidence.
The New York Fed measures household financial expectations.
The list goes on.
But we are here to talk today about one particular glimpse into the American economic psyche.
It's an indicator that really speaks to our nerdy wordsmith hearts.
And that is Investopedia's top Terms of the year.
That's right.
Every year, the online glossary rounds up the 10 financial words and phrases that drew the most interest from its audience.
It's a window into what economic topics people were super curious about.
And this 2024 list has a bit of everything, macroeconomics, corporate finance, cryptocurrency, and even sports betting.
So today on the show, Investopedia's editor in chief walks us through 2024 in econ vocab.
Wait, wait, don't tell me.
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