What is up, Daddy?
Gang, it is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with Call Her Daddy.
Ally and aj.
Welcome to Call Her Daddy.
Thank you for having us, you guys.
The last time we saw each other was we were hanging out backstage at my tour, and you were the loveliest people.
And I always have these moments because I'm like, I watched you guys growing up.
Obviously, I love you guys, your music, all of it.
But meeting you guys in person was so fun to be like, oh, my God, you guys are like normal girls.
And we're all just hanging out, so I'm so happy we're finally doing this.
Same, same.
So happy to be here.
To be so happy to be here.
Okay, if you guys are not, like, touring, if you're not working, if you don't have all the chaos of your life, what is your most fun thing that you guys usually like to do together?
We're big, like, spa people, and we kind of have been since we were young.
Like, we were, like, hanging out in a SPA at, like, 10 and 12, and we were just loving it.
And our parents would be like, I don't know.
They just, like, love hot, dry saunas and getting massages.
Oh, I love this, you guys.