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Thank you for listening to the Countdown to Christmas with Zach podcast. We'd like to introduce you to our daily devotional Keys for Kids podcast, so for this first week of 2024 we're releasing those episodes on this feed too.
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Flying in Formation
"Well, if that’s the way you’re going to be, I’ll just find someone else to do my science project with!” Will turned and walked away from Torin and Carlos before they had a chance to respond.
At dinner, Will was still angry. “Torin and Carlos won’t listen to me,” he told his dad. “They want to change the whole science project. I don’t care what they say. I like the way I planned it.”
“Sounds like you’re having trouble flying in formation,” said Dad.
“Huh?” Will frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“Remember when we saw the Navy’s flying team perform at the air show last week? How far apart were those six jets?”
“They were really close!” said Will. “I think the announcer said they sometimes were within three feet of each other.” He remembered the thrill of watching the shiny blue and yellow jets. “When the leader moved in a certain direction, they all moved that way. If they didn’t, they’d be in big trouble.”
“Right,” said Dad. “Flying in formation like that takes real teamwork! But doing a good job on any group project requires teamwork—and that includes your science project. You need to work together as a team.”
“But they won’t listen to me!” said Will.
“Well, they should listen to your ideas,” said Dad. “But you should also listen to theirs. Have you done that? Have you really thought about whose ideas would work the best?”
Will sighed. “I guess not. I’ll talk to Carlos and Torin and see if they’ll still let me work with them.”
“Good,” said Dad. “You know, this reminds me of how Christians need to fly in formation too. Since you know Jesus, you’re part of His team of believers—the church. As Christians, we need to work together to help more people know about Jesus. But we can’t do that if we’re only thinking of ourselves and what we want.”
“We need to be like Jesus, right?” asked Will.
“Right,” said Dad. “We need to show one another the kind of love He shows us, and that includes listening to each other’s ideas and being patient and understanding. When we do that, others will see God’s love in us and want to know more about Jesus.”
How About You?
Do you have a hard time working as part of a team? Do you get upset when others don’t agree with your ideas? Remember that God wants Christians to work together in unity. Ephesians 4:2 says to be humble, gentle, and patient as we bear with one another in love. Share your ideas, but also listen to other people’s suggestions so you can work as a team in love and unity.
Key Verse
Psalm 133:1 "How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!" (NIV)
Key Thought
Work in unity with others
Scripture Reading
Ephesians 4:1-6