How America’s student-debt problem got so big


Apple News In Conversation



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Forty-five million people in the U.S. — about one in six adults — owe a total of $1.7 trillion in student-loan debt. Canceling some of these federal loans has become a flash point in modern American politics. In a new book, Burdened: Student Debt and the Making of an American Crisis, Ryann Liebenthal traces the origins of the student-loan system and breaks down how it works today. Liebenthal spoke with Apple News In Conversation host Shumita Basu about ways to address this trillion-dollar problem.

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  • This is in conversation from Apple News.

  • I'm Shemitah Basu.

  • Today, America's big polarizing student debt problem.

  • About two decades ago, Ryan Liebenthal graduated from Reed College in Portland, Oregon.

  • This was 2005 and I had something like $21,000 of debt.

  • A few years after graduating, Ryan decided that she wanted more out of her life and career.

  • So she applied for a graduate journalism program at New York University.

  • It was expensive, but they offered me.

  • A one semester tuition scholarship and they encouraged me to take out loans.

  • She got her master's degree in 2010 and left NYU with more than $100,000 of debt.

  • Her first job as a fact checker paid about $31,000 a year.

  • I was like terribly depressed about it and I would just be like, this is just, it's just a black hole.

  • I will never get out of this.

  • I will never have a house.

  • I will never be able to have children.

  • I felt worthless.

  • Today, 45 million Americans, or about 1 in 6 adults, owe $1.7 trillion in student loan debt.

  • That's millions of people carrying around the kinds of fears and anxieties Ryan did for so long.

  • So she decided to write about it.

  • Her book is called Student Debt and the Making of an American Crisis.