All right, before we start the podcast, we wanted to begin by sending our best to LA Kings fans, hockey fans, and just everyone in general out in the Los Angeles area right now that are affected by what's been going on out that way in Southern California the last few days, the devastating wildfires.
And one of the scariest parts about it as we record this, they seem to be nowhere near a point where things are contained.
Elliot, our words aren't going to do a whole lot.
We know that, but we just wanted to let everyone out there know we are thinking of them 100%.
Well said, Kyle.
And you have some places that people can donate to if they want to help out in the reconstruction and firefighting efforts and just want to say proud that there is some Canadian content in trying to help contain them and stop them.
So two websites that certainly the Los Angeles Kings have been working with and helping getting the word out for those that are able to donate.
One being the other any little bit helps.
We wish everyone out there all the best despite a very, very difficult time.
Welcome to 32 Thoughts, the podcast presented by the GMC Sierra at 4X producer Dom Sh, Elliot Friedman and Kyle Bukaskis, all with you.
Elliot, I know you were heck of a wrestling fan back in your day.
That is true.
I'm looking at the Eastern Conference here right now.
To me, it is a battle royal going on.
When you look at the amount of teams conceivably as we have just kind of passed the midway mark for a lot of organizations of the season that have a legitimate shot of saying they're in the mix for a playoff spot right now.
How many teams, never mind just the East.
How many teams would you look at right now in the NHL and say they are out of the playoffs.