Moment 195: 10 Things Your STOOL Says About Your Health: The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist

时刻 195:粪便与肠道健康的 10 件事:排名第一的便便和肠道科学家

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In this moment, the gastroenterologist and gut health expert Dr Will Bulsiewicz breaks down everything you need to know about how your poo is one of the biggest signs of your overall health.Will says that too often we see poo as disgusting rather than a major clue of our health, as he says poo for a gastroenterologist is what checking the pulse is for a cardiologist. He says that signs can range from the size, smell and shape of poo, all of which can indicate anything from a poor diet to colon cancer. This is because 60% of your poo is bacteria and a direct window into the state of your microbiome which impacts all areas of your mental and physical wellbeing. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- Apple - Watch the Episodes On Youtube - Will: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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  • I read in your book that 60% of poop is bacteria.

  • Yeah.

  • Which just blew my mind.

  • Yeah.

  • And I think that this is an important conversation to have because we have stigmatized poop.

  • We're not allowed to look in the bowl.

  • We should be looking in the bowl.

  • And the reason why is because if I were a cardiologist, I would come over and I would check your pulse, I would listen to your heart, and those vital signs would allow me to have an idea of how you're doing in terms of, like, just on a basic level, your cardiovascular health.

  • All right.

  • I'm a gastroenterologist.

  • If I want to know the basics of what's going on with you and your body, I need to know how you're pooping.

  • So let's close off on this subject of poop.

  • My team actually prepared some poop samples earlier on because I was wondering, as a gastroenterologist, I wondered that if you could look at someone's poop and determine whether they have good gut health and if you can understand what's going on in.

  • In their body just by how their poop looks.

  • Because poop comes in many shapes and sizes.

  • So what I have here is a variety of different shapes and sizes of poop.

  • Yeah.

  • For anyone that can't see.

  • Well, look at the screen.

  • If you're listening to this podcast on Spotify or YouTube, different shapes and sizes of poop here.