Cape Town, Petty Neighbours & The Alps


My Therapist Ghosted Me



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单集简介 ...

It's another international effort this week. Vogue is in The Alps and Joanne is in Cape Town! Find out what happened when Vogue was spied on by a neighbour and why Joanne might need more than board games to keep herself out of trouble.  If you’d like to get in touch, you can send an email to Please review Global's Privacy Policy: For merch, tour dates and more visit: For more information about Joanne's gigs, visit: This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

单集文稿 ...

  • This is a Global Player original podcast.

  • Hello and welcome to My therapist ghosted me with me, Joanne McNally and my.

  • Co host and work wife Beau Williams.

  • Holiday crisps are one of my favorite things in the whole world and I've just been eating them non stop.

  • I'm 100 crisp at this stage.

  • My mouth is dry from, from eating them.

  • They are the cuisine of the holiday goer, are they not?

  • Spenny arrived home from the supermarket.

  • He didn't have a bag of salt and vinegar.

  • Lays.

  • Disappointing.

  • But I didn't go to the supermarket so I couldn't complain.

  • He did come home with a bag of Bugles.

  • Oh yeah, the Horned Crisp.

  • I know them well.

  • That's the boys.

  • That's my girls horns Crisp.

  • I actually don't know what a pugil is, but I heard Bugle was cocaine.

  • Well, I nearly brought the crisp back because I said, excuse me, there's no cocaine in this bag.

  • What have you fake news?