The platform had the regular message updates.
You always liked debate.
You know, like, you were on the debate team in high school.
So, you know, like, talking about food in this, like, format where you can debate different issues, I think was really interesting for you.
I actually did model UN not debate.
Just so you know.
I was, like, a little too cool for debate.
Well, you like to debate me, at least.
This is the Sporkful.
It's not for foodies.
It's for eaters.
I'm Dan Pashman.
Each week on our show, we have about food to learn more about people.
And this week's show is a very, very special one because the Sporkful is celebrating our 15th anniversary.
Yes, it was way back in January 2010, in the stone ages of podcasting, that I launched this show from my living room, often recording episodes in borrowed studios at off hours, sometimes even with the permission of their rightful owners.
People often ask me about those early days, like, how I got into this, how the show developed into the podcast you hear today.
So in honor of the show's birthday, I'm going to tell you that story, complete with clips of some of my very favorite moments in Sporkful history.
But before we get to those clips, let's just kick our feet up and reminisce a little bit.
And to do that, I have a very special guest.
It's every Sporkful listener's favorite regular, my wife, Janie.