Try a Little Tenderness


This American Life



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单集简介 ...

In the new year, stories of people trying a radical approach to solving their problems. Prologue: Ira meets two sisters who got into a fight, and then learned a lesson in turning the other cheek. (8 minutes) Act One: A hardened PI works the toughest case of his very young life. (18 minutes) Act Two: Producer Aviva DeKornfeld talks to a man who finds himself the target of vengeful crows. (8 minutes) Act Three: Comedian Josh Johnson wonders if some people should’ve been spanked as kids. (10 minutes) Act Four: Writer Etgar Keret reads his story about a bus driver who refuses to open the doors for late passengers. (9 minutes)

单集文稿 ...

  • Mae's six years old, in first grade.

  • She's the kind of forthright kid who, when we sit down for an interview,

  • before I can get to any of the things that I want to ask her,

  • she launches into a few get to know you questions of her own.

  • Hi, Mae.

  • Uh, what's your favorite color?

  • We discuss favorite colors, and then she. Moves on to

  • what's your middle name?

  • I'm glad you're asking me that.

  • My middle name is.

  • We move on to last names, and soon she's instructing me on the pronunciation of her last name.

  • Can you say Zmuzenski?

  • That's how you say it.

  • Zmuzenski.

  • Zmuzenski.

  • Z M U D C Z Y N S K I

  • the story I. Was there to talk to Ms. Mujinsky about

  • happened this fall at the beginning of the school year

  • in St. Louis, where she lives.

  • It was hot out.