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Wherever you get your podcasts is a good time to have a conversation about trust.
Hey everyone, it's Adam Grant.
Welcome back to Rethinking my podcast on the science of what makes us tick with the TED Audio Collective.
I'm an organizational psychologist and I'm taking you inside the minds of fascinating people to explore new thoughts and new ways of thinking.
My guest today is Rachel Botsman, my favorite thought leader on trust.
She teaches at Oxford.
Her TED talks have millions of views, and she regularly motivates me to rethink my views.
If I could blow up a misconception about trust, it would be that transparency leads to more trust.
If you make that a value in your organization, I would seriously question, like, what are you promising?
Rachel is a dynamic speaker and a relentlessly curious conversationalist.
She's the host of a new audiobook, how to Trust and Be Trusted.
It's perfectly timed to a moment when so many people and institutions are facing a crisis of trust.
There are a lot of misconceptions about trust out there, so let's start to blow some up by doing a quick exercise together.
I now like you to think about three people in your life.
It could be a friend, a family member, a work colleague, someone famous.
It really doesn't matter.