How batteries are riding the free market rodeo in Texas


The Indicator from Planet Money



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If you want to build a grid-scale battery project in Texas, be prepared to ride the free-market rodeo. On our second episode of this week's battery series, we visit the state that has the second-most battery storage capacity to understand whether large-scale batteries can help prevent blackouts. Related episodes: How batteries are already changing the grid (Apple / Spotify) Texas' new power grid problem (Apple / Spotify) For sponsor-free episodes of The Indicator from Planet Money, subscribe to Planet Money+ via Apple Podcasts or at Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy

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  • Npr.

  • This is the indicator from Planet Money.

  • I'm Darian Woods.

  • And I'm Waylon Wong.

  • On a hot September day in 2023, the operators of Texas Power Grid were getting nervous.

  • The warmth from an unusually hot summer was pushing later into the year.

  • That meant more air conditioners, more fans and more staying inside.

  • But keeping up with that thirst for electricity was a scramble.

  • The sun was setting earlier as the summer gave way to fall, and that meant less solar power.

  • In the evening that day, the wind was forecast to be low, so not much wind power.

  • Just when people got home and turned on their ACs and TVs and ovens, also a few power plants were out of commission.

  • Watching all of this with Stephanie Smith.

  • She's the chief operating officer of Eolian, which is a company that, among other things, builds battery plants in Texas.

  • It was just one of those perfect storms of events where a few went offline at the same time.

  • The DFW area for Texans, the deadly.

  • Winter blackouts from a couple years earlier were front of mind.

  • And the question that evening in September was could Texas grid batteries save the day this time?

  • So today in the second show from our grid battery trilogy, we're going to Texas.

  • Yesterday we looked at how the state of California was boosting batteries to encourage more wind and solar.

  • And today we go to an entirely different electricity market that is much less California control and much more free market rodeo.