Lenval Logan; UAP Task Force member Pt.2

伦瓦尔·洛根; UAP 工作组成员 Pt.2

That UFO Podcast



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**Part 1 of 2, listen to this episode in full by signing up to a paid membership today check out all options at linktr.ee/ufouapam ** I am joined by former member of the Jay Stratton led UAP Task Force, Lenval Logan to discuss; His own UFO sighting early in life Travelling with the US military Getting recruited in the Task Force The day to day work involved Craft as big as an aircraft hangar Did he witness the Calvine UFO? The 'Phenom' app What he things is being seen over the NJ skies And much much more Check out the Phenom App on the app store on Apple & Android Email; Phenomenation7@gmail.com Go Fund Me; https://gofund.me/50ff1735 Get in touch with the show; Twitter: @UFOUAPAM Facebook, YouTube & Instagram: "That UFO Podcast" YouTube: ⁠⁠YouTube.com/c/ThatUFOPodcast⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠UFOUAPAM@gmail.com All podcast links & associated links; ⁠⁠Linktr.ee/ufouapam⁠ ThatUFOPodcast.com⁠⁠ Linktr.ee/TheZignal⁠⁠ Don't forget to subscribe, like and leave a review of the show Enjoy folks, Andy

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