Welcome to the Moth Podcast.
I'm Blaze Ferrer, and with a 5, 6, 7, 8.
On this episode, we'll take a page from the great dancers throughout history.
We'll put on our dance shoes, we'll find our pelvis, and we'll move through the joy and the self expression that anybody at any age can get from dance.
First up is Katie Rivard with a story she told at a New York City story slam.
Here's Katie live at the mop.
So a few years ago, I decided to move on my own from Boston to Tucson, Arizona in July.
And the trip was ominous.
My car broke down twice.
I got there, it was 120 degrees, it was brown.
Everything looked like Mars to me because I'm from Michigan.
And so I spent the first two weeks on my own just like watching Amy Schumer's Train Wreck over and over in the theaters and, like, crying to myself.
But I moved out there for a teaching job and I felt pretty confident in my teaching abilities.
I'd been teaching for a while and so I thought, I've got this.
But then the school year started and I realized that the school I had signed up to teach at was similarly a train wreck.
And my, like, I switch into type A teacher mode.
I'm like, doing anything I can to get control back into my life, like cutting up tennis balls and putting them on the bottom of chairs so there's no extra noise with the already excessive noise that's going on in my classroom.
But I'm struggling.