This is Planet Money from npr.
Right after Donald Trump was re elected, we turned to you, our listeners, and asked, what do you want to know?
What do you want us to cover?
Do you have questions about tariffs or immigration or presidential control of the Federal Reserve or tax cuts or, I don't know, any number of things.
And we got a really, like, large number of questions.
But what we realized as we started to sift through this giant metaphoric pile was that our inbox was filled with, yes, with letters, but also with uncertainty and excitement and shock.
This was not an ordinary bunch of questions.
Like, take this one from an academic historian.
So my name is Aaron Fountain and I live in Maryland.
Our producer Emma Peaslee called Aaron up.
Do you want to tell me about.
Your question and why you decided to write into us?
So since the 2024 presidential election, many commentators and media have talked about how many voters voted for Trump because of economic anxiety and inequality.
But I'm curious, do people think that he can actually, you know, continue to address inequality and will it actually get better or will it get worse?
I will say with your question, we were like, we don't know.
Like, your question is a hard question.
Were you expecting, like, what kind of.
Answer did you think?
You know, it's hard because like I said, I am a historian by training.
It really takes years and sometimes decades to assess something.