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Welcome to the world in 10 in an increasingly uncertain world.
This is the Times daily podcast dedicated to global security.
I'm Alex Dibble and I executive produce the podcast.
The World in 10 is partnered with Frontline, the interview series from Times radio, available on YouTube with expert analysis of the world's conflicts.
At the weekend, we bring you Frontline interviews in full.
Here's one from this week.
I hope you find it interesting.
Hello and welcome to a special edition of Frontline for Times Radio.
I'm James Hanson and today we're looking back at 2024 in the war in Ukraine and focusing in particular on the ground war over the past 12 months.
Joining me, one of our regular guests here on Frontline, former Colonel Philip Ingram, MBE, former NATO planner and military intelligence officer.
It's always a pleasure.
Philip, first of all, how would you summarize the ground war in Ukraine over.
The past 12 months from a tactical perspective?
I think we're almost in a stalemate position, but it's been fascinating as it's moved from one side having the initiative back to the other side having initiative to the initiative been taken back again.
But that's purely from a tactical perspective.
We have to recognize that the ground war has also been going on in depth, so into Crimea, into Russia, and that is at the operational level and attacking into the strategically level.
But it is hitting ground targets.
So I'd count that in as part of it.
And that's a different matter.