Foreign hello and welcome to the Bulletin with UBS on Monocle Radio.
Each week, the sharpest minds and freshest thinkers in finance take you beyond the numbers and hype right to the heart of the big issues of the day.
Today we have something of a special edition for you.
We're going to catch up with a friend of the show, but from from a fresh perspective today, my guest is UBS Global Wealth Management Chief Investment Officer Mark Hafely.
He's here to talk about his new book, the New Rules of Essential Wealth Strategies for Turbulent Times.
Co written with Richard C.
Morraes and published by HarperCollins leadership.
The volume outlines Heffley's view that new developments in everything from global affairs to demographics to technology mean that we need to change the way we think about investing.
As the CIO of ubs, the world's largest global wealth manager, Mark oversees a team that manages and advises around $4 trillion of clients invested wealth in this playbook for protecting and growing wealth.
Hafely shares the investing strategies he uses at UBS and explains a potential framework for investors to deal with turbulent times shaped by the so called 5Ds debt, deglobalization, demographics, digitalization and decarbonisation.
It's a pleasure to welcome Mark back to the program.
Mark Hayley, always a delight to chat to you and I'm going to start off by issuing my congratulations because I'm always blown away when anybody as a jobbing journalist, I'm always impressed if anybody can get a book out of the door, especially a man as busy as yourself.
So congrats on the new Rules of investing and let's start right there.
Why was the time now to commit this set of your smart thoughts to paper?
Give us the quick origin story, if you will.
Mark I think there were a couple of things that made me feel like it was a good time for this.
The first is in my own life.
I kind of felt like I've had different stages.
I was an academic, historian, economic historian, then I was a hedge fund manager.
And for the past 14 years I've been dealing with clients all around the globe in the wealth management situation and helping them manage their wealth and learning from them about how they manage their wealth.