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The Economist hello and welcome to the Intelligence from the Economist.
I'm Jason Palmer.
And I'm Rosie Blore.
Every weekday we provide a fresh perspective on the events shaping your world.
There were a few eyebrow raising moments on Donald Trump's Inauguration day.
We take two looks at what was said and what was signed, tapping first into the feeling in Washington and then an international view on what might shake the world order.
And not gonna lie, we thought you might like a little light relief after all that Trumpery.
So we're going to look into plushies.
Young people in particular are kind of weirdly into stuffed animals these days and boy, are they willing to pay up to get some.
First up though, to Washington.
And we're back.
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute.
That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.
The office of President of the United States.
And will to the best of my.
You'll have heard Mr.
Trump say these words before.