Hey, folks, it's Courtney here at how to.
Our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by the wildfires in the Los Angeles area.
We're working on an episode about how to rebuild your home and your life after this tragedy.
If you or someone you know is in this position, we want to hear about the questions and challenges you're facing.
How do you deal with insurance companies?
How much time do you take off work?
How do you mourn your irreplaceable objects and rebuild community?
You can send your questions via email or leave a voicemail.
You don't need to appear on the show.
We know this is a deeply stressful time, but we're hoping to find some advice and ideas that could be useful for you right now.
Send us a note@howtoslate.com or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001.
All of citizenship, all of what it's going to take to heal our country and our politics is about relationship.
Presidents can break stuff from the top down, but only we can heal stuff from the bottom up.
And that is a slow piece of work that goes relationship by relationship.
This is HOW TO I'm Courtney Martin.
Recently we put out a call to our How TO listeners asking you to tell us about the changes, big or small, that you're planning to make in your lives in response to last November's elections and the next Trump administration.
The majority of your replies were about leaving the country.
A couple weeks ago, we talked to a lesbian couple that's planning to pick up and move to Portugal.
They don't feel like it will be safe for LGBTQ people to live in the United States.
Check out that episode.