Hi again, everybody, and thank you for listening to the Oprah Podcast.
And hello to everybody who's watching us on YouTube.
In the few years since GLP1 medications were approved by the FDA for use for obesity, we have seen how these drugs can result in dramatic weight loss.
But when you lose up to £100 or even more, how does that impact the self image you had for most of your life?
I wish I could say, oh, my gosh, it's just been the most perfect experience ever.
Do people treat you differently?
People look me in the eyes now and everyone was so much friendlier to me.
How do you see yourself in the world?
My life opportunities have opened up, but it's not without its complications.
On this episode of the Oprah Podcast, my conversation continues with Dr.
Anya Yasterboth, an endocrinologist and associate professor at the Yale School of Medicine.
And we're going to be joined by licensed psychologist Dr.
Rachel Goleman.
For this episode, our guests asked us to share their before and after weight loss pictures because they believe the photos are an important part of their journey.
Welcome to part two of our conversation about weight loss medications.
I'm so glad we get another chance to open up the subject for people who are still confused.
I'm here with Dr.
Anya Yastreboff, who is an endocrinologist and an associate professor at the Yale School of Medicine.
And I wanted to introduce you to one of my producers, longtime producers, Brian.
So, Brian, tell us why you started GLP1s.