From open source to acquired (Interview)


The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source



1 小时 48 分钟

单集简介 ...

Ashley Jeffs shares his journey with Benthos, an open source stream processor that was acquired by Redpanda. We talk about the evolution of data streaming technologies, the challenges he faced while growing the project, the decision to bootstrap versus seek venture capital, and what ultimately led to the acquisition. We discuss reactions to licensing changes, what it's like to have your thing acquired, the challenging yet fulfilling nature of open source work, what's next for Benthos, and what it takes to enjoy the journey.

单集文稿 ...

  • Foreign.

  • Hey friends, welcome back.

  • This is the change law.

  • We feature the hackers, the leaders and those innovating in data streaming.

  • Yes.

  • Today we're joined by Ash Jeffs.

  • He's joining us to discuss his journey with Benthos, an open source stream processor.

  • We talk about the evolution of data streaming technologies, the challenges he faced while growing the project, the decision to bootstrap versus seek venture capital, and what ultimately led to an acquisition by Red Panda.

  • We discuss reactions to licensing changes, what it's like to have your thing acquired, the challenging yet fulfilling nature of open source work, what's next for Benthas and what it takes to enjoy the journey.

  • And a massive thank you to our friends over at Fly IO.

  • Over 3 million apps have launched on Fly and you can too deploy your app in five minutes.

  • Learn more at Fly IO.

  • Okay, let's stream some data.

  • Well, friends, before the show, I am here with a new friend of mine, Scott Deatzen, CEO of Augment Code.

  • I'm excited about this.

  • Augment taps into your team's collective knowledge, your code base, your documentation, your dependencies.

  • It is the most context aware developer AI.

  • So you won't just code faster, you also build smarter.

  • It's an ask me anything for your code.

  • It's your deep thinking buddy, it's your stan flow antidote.