This message comes from the Boston Globe's chart topping podcast, Love Letters.
In this season, host and advice columnist Meredith Goldstein explores a big can people change?
And if so, how?
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To Life Kit from NPR.
Hey everybody, it's Marielle.
In 2018, I went to Greece for two weeks.
I remember the trip vividly.
The beginning was like a dream.
We did a food tour in Athens, stayed on a gorgeous small island with crystal blue water and no cars.
We went running by the beach, watched the sun set.
But we reached a point about 10 days in when things took a turn.
Our string of beautiful weather ended.
Now there was torrential rain every day and our last stop was kind of a dud.
We hadn't done enough research on the area and there wasn't much to do.
Also, I started having some digestive issues, so I just remember being stuck in the hotel room watching American political news on TV with an upset stomach, wishing I was home.
And we still had four days to go.
Changing our flights at that point would have just been too expensive.
It was like we'd overstayed and overspent by half a week.