Endless Second


Drama of the Week



44 分钟

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by Theo Toksvig-Stewart. Unflinching drama about consent. Two students fall in love, but one drunken evening changes everything. Starring Sam Otto (The State, Snowpiercer) and Louisa Harland (Derry Girls). M ..... Sam Otto W ..... Louisa Harland Technical Producer ..... Martha Littlehailes Technical Producer ..... Alison Craig Technical Producer ..... Anne Bunting Technical Producer ..... Mike Etherden Production Co-ordinator ..... Gaelan Connolly Writer ..... Theo Toksvig-Stewart Director ..... Abigail le Fleming THE PLAY Endless Second was originally produced by Cut the Cord Theatre and directed by Camilla Gütler, starring Madeleine Gray alongside Theo Toksvig-Stewart. It opened at Theatre503 before transferring to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019 where it was shortlisted for the Holden Street Theatre Award and the Sit Up Award. The play then transferred to the Park Theatre and Pleasance Islington as part of their 'Best of the Fringe' seasons. THE WRITER Theo is a dyslexic writer and actor based in London. He was part of the BBC Writersroom Drama Room 2019/2020 and the Minack Emerging Playwrights Programme 2021. He was most recently commissioned by Applause as a South East Writer in residence. In 2020, he was commissioned by Warts and All Theatre to write an adaptation of Robyn Hood, developed with children in care in Wellingborough. His first play, An Opera from the East, was produced at Drama Centre London. The proud son of lesbian parents, Theo is developing a number of television projects including a show based on his 'unconventional' uprbinging.

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