Hey everyone, it's Dan here with another Friday reheat for you.
And all this month we are digging deep into the darkest recesses of our deep freezer to pull out super old episodes, all in honor of our 15th anniversary, which we are celebrating this month.
And today we're gonna pull one out that is near and dear to my heart.
I guess maybe in part because I grew up in the New York area, so I grew up going to the Museum of Natural History as a kid.
Of course, you always look forward to seeing the dinosaurs and the dinosaur skeletons and the giant a whale hanging from the ceiling.
I mean, so much stuff there is just iconic.
And so it was so exciting for me back in 2013 when they did a food exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History.
And I got to go there and meet two of the curators and tour the exhibit and do a whole episode about it.
Now, sadly, Dr.
Eleanor Sterling, one of the curators of the exhibit who I spoke with in this episode, passed away last year.
She had an incredibly interesting life and career, which you'll hear a little bit about in this episode.
But I encourage you to look her up and Read more about Dr.
Eleanor Sterling.
Alright, enjoy the show.
This is the Sporkful.
It's not for foodies, it's for eaters.
I'm Dan Pashman and we're about to challenge your assumptions about consumption and drop a sporkful of knowledge on you.
Because we're obsessively compulsive about eating more awesomely.
And because if history has taught us anything, it's that the hosts of food shows need a lot of catchphrases.
Let's go ahead and jump right into today's topic for mastication and rumination, which is eating throughout history.