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Welcome to the Rest is History.
Today we're going to tell the listeners our about an absolutely thrilling new venture from Goal hanger, aren't we?
The Rest is Classified, telling the very best stories from the world of espionage and it's presented, or I should say co presented by somebody who is incredibly close to your heart.
He absolutely is.
So one of the presenters is a former CIA analyst who now writes spy novels and that's David McCloskey.
But the man who is also presenting it, man very close to my heart is Gordon Carrera.
So BBC security correspondent, but more germanely massive enthusiasts for pigeons who first alerted me to the massive role that pigeons have played in history.
You will then remember I nagged you for days, weeks, months, Was it a year?
No, there was no nagging required to.
Do a whole episode on pigeons, which I think everyone would agree was a complete triumph.
I bargained him down from a series.
And Gordon alerted alerted us to the pigeon gap, the fact that China is way ahead of us when it comes to pigeons pigeon communications.
And it'd be interesting to find out from him whether he thinks that we have managed to close the pigeon gap.
But more germanely.
Gordon, welcome to the show and congratulations on the Rest is Classified.
Clearly both of you are massive experts on the world of espionage, but how did you come to find yourselves doing this podcast?
Pigeons, Tom.